Air start steam engine

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9816399





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A method and system using at least two different working fluids to be supplied to an expander to cause it to do mechanical work. The expander is started by providing a compressed gaseous working fluid at a sufficient pressure to the expander. At the same time the compressed gaseous working fluid is provided to the expander, a second working fluid that is liquid at ambient temperatures is provided to a heater to be heated. The second working fluid is heated to its boiling point and converted to pressurized gas Once the pressure is increased to a sufficient level, the second working fluid is injected into the expander to generate power, and the supply of the first working fluid may be stopped. After expansion in the expander, the working fluids are is exhausted from the expander, and the second working fluid may be condensed for separation from the first working fluid. Control circuitry controls the admission of the first and second working fluids responsive to monitoring the load on the expander.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Brookman, Michael Jeffrey Branford, US 6 37

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 May 14, 2025
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