Reusable envelope

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9840352





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A reusable envelope has one or more spaces thereon where address, return labels and/or postage can be removably placed or permanently affixed such as for finite number of shipments using a permanently affixed postage area, for example. The reusable envelope also includes a resealable closure allowing the interior of the envelope to be closed and reopened multiple times for multiple uses (shipments, receiving) or optionally to use a finite number of times by exposing the permanent adhesive to the flat and mating surface depending on user preference.

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Patent Owner(s)

  • Assignment data not available. Check PTO

International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Beadles, Nicole Georgette Lodi, US 4 17
Beadles, Robert Dale Lodi, US 18 153

Cited Art Landscape

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Maintenance Fees

Fee Large entity fee small entity fee micro entity fee due date
7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Jun 12, 2025
11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Jun 12, 2029
Fee Large entity fee small entity fee micro entity fee
Surcharge - 7.5 year - Late payment within 6 months $160.00 $80.00 $40.00
Surcharge - 11.5 year - Late payment within 6 months $160.00 $80.00 $40.00
Surcharge after expiration - Late payment is unavoidable $700.00 $350.00 $175.00
Surcharge after expiration - Late payment is unintentional $1,640.00 $820.00 $410.00