OFDM system with reverse link interference estimation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9871603





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A new method of performing interference estimation to allow the data packets to be efficiently delivered in an OFDM system. The interference estimation is performed on average over each frame for each mobile station individually in both frequency and time domains. Based on the estimated interference, the CIR can be determined by the BTS based on channel response estimates made by the BTS, or by the MS based on channel response estimates made for the uplink assuming a symmetrical channel. Numerical results show that the CIR estimation error could be very small if a sub-channel is considered as the minimum transmission unit. In terms of the aggregate throughput, the interference estimation method can provide a significant gain.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Tong, Wen Ottawa, CA 644 17461
Wu, Jianming Kanata, CA 243 2188
Zhu, Peiying Kanata, CA 475 12618

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