Communication systems and kits

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9873286





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Systems have a frame, and a substrate base sheet held by the frame. Each system has a media sheet and a substantially transparent erasable sheet held by the frame, with the media sheet being between the substrate sheet and the erasable sheet. The media sheet and the substantially transparent erasable sheet have substantially the same peripheral shape. The erasable sheet is positioned directly over the media sheet and supported by the frame at locations substantially the same as where the frame supports the media sheet. The media sheet may be a durable, long-lasting sheet. One of the media sheet and erasable sheet may have a lifting tab extending away from a peripheral edge thereof, some embodiments having a through-hole.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
McAtee, Christine M The Woodlands, US 2 3

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Jul 23, 2025
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