Axial piston machine

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9909420
APP PUB NO 20160230555A1





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An axial piston machine is shown comprising a cylinder drum rotatable around an axis of rotation and having at least a cylinder, a piston arranged in said cylinder, a swash plate arranged in front of said cylinder drum, said piston being provided with a slipper (11) resting against said swash plate and having a pressure area (17) on a side facing said swash plate, wherein a cylinder axis of said cylinder is arranged on a circle line (27) around said axis of rotation (16). Such a machine should be made compact. To this end said pressure area (17) deviates from a circular form.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Andersen, Stig Kildegaard Krusaa, DK 22 11

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