System, method and computer program for enabling signings and dedications on a remote basis

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9910415





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A system, method and computer program for enabling signings/dedications on a remote basis is provided. A first computer at a first location is associated with an individual from whom a signature or dedication is required. A second computer at a location where the signing or dedication is required is linked to the first computer so as to provide a two-way audiovisual communication system. The second computer is operate e to receive input from one or more individuals regarding their request for a signature and/or dedication, and to communicate the request to the first computer. The first computer is operable to permit the individual associated with the first computer to review the request, and based on such request provide a signature and/or personalized dedication as an input to an input device connected to the first computer. The first computer transmits the signature and/or personalized dedication from the first computer to the second computer. The second computer is >@5r0+5 to receiving the signature and/or personalized dedication, and provide the signature and/or personalized dedication to a plotting apparatus device connected to the second computer. The plotting apparatus device is >@5r0+5 to apply the signature and/or personalized dedication introduced to the plotting apparatus device to an article, substantially in the handwriting of the individual associated with the first computer, based on the operation of the plotting apparatus device. A computer program for enabling the functions described is also provided. A related method is also disclosed.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Atwood, Margaret Toronto, CA 3 194
Darling, Robert James Caledon East, CA 2 12
Gibson, Matthew Mann Toronto, CA 2 12
Popovic, Milos Mississauga, CA 62 980
Wiltshire, John H D Etobicoke, CA 6 145

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Sep 6, 2025
11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Sep 6, 2029
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