Apparatus and method for determining the type, density and temperature of neutral radicals in plasma

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9930766





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An apparatus for diagnostics of neutral radicals in plasma, the apparatus comprising: a portable probe configured to be attached to and extend into a plasma chamber to obtain information from plasma contained in the plasma chamber, the probe comprising a metallic rod configured to be biased with an alternating current voltage applied to the probe to obtain current measurements; a transparent dielectric sleeve having a large bandgap configured to allow light transmission to obtain optical emission spectra from the plasma; and an insulated thermocouple junction provided in the metallic rod, the thermocouple junction configured to measure equilibrium temperature of the probe.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chan, Chia Sern Singapore, SG 4 2
Rutkevych, Pavlo Singapore, SG 1 2
Xu, Luxiang Singapore, SG 2 2
Xu, Shuyan Singapore, SG 3 2

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