Demand response dispatch system employing weather induced facility energy consumption characterizations

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9977447





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A method for dispatching buildings in a demand response program event including generating data sets for each of the buildings, each set having energy consumption values along with corresponding time and outside temperature values, where the energy consumption values within each set are shifted by one of a plurality of lag values relative to the corresponding time and outside temperature values, and where each of the plurality of lag values is different from other ones of the plurality of lag values; performing a regression analysis on each set to yield regression model parameters and a residual; determining a least valued residual from all residuals yielded, the least valued residual indicating a corresponding energy lag for the each of the buildings; and using energy lags for all of the buildings to generate a dispatch schedule for the demand response program event according to a prioritization of the energy lags.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Al-Mohssen, Husain Dedham, US 58 636
Bassa, Angela S Stoneham, US 50 573
Paradis, Richard R Franklin, US 30 389

Cited Art Landscape

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Forward Cite Landscape

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