Method and apparatus for tuning a communication device for multi band operation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9979531





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In one example, a wireless communication device adapted for multi-band operation includes a first antenna, a first diplexer configured to pass signals within first and second sets of frequency bands, first and second signal paths, wherein each signal path includes a set of notch filters tunable to attenuate a different frequency. The wireless communication device includes a second antenna, a second diplexer configured to pass the first and second frequency bands, third and fourth signal paths, wherein each of the third and fourth signal paths includes one or more notch filters tunable to attenuate a different frequency, and a transceiver coupled to each signal path.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Black, Gregory R Vernon Hills, US 69 2726
Mach, Richard E Cary, US 9 194
Schwent, Dale G Schaumburg, US 36 1340

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