Electrochemical deposition apparatus and methods for controlling the chemistry therein

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9988735
APP PUB NO 20150008133A1





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An electrochemical deposition system is described. The electrochemical deposition system includes one or more electrochemical deposition modules arranged on a common platform for depositing one or more metals on a substrate, and a chemical management system coupled to the one or more electrochemical deposition modules. The chemical management system is configured to supply at least one of the one or more electrochemical deposition modules with one or more metal constituents for depositing the one or more metals. The chemical management system can include at least one metal enrichment cell and at least one metal-concentrate generator cell.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chiu, Johannes Bedford, US 9 68
Goodman, Daniel L Lexington, US 16 65
Guarnaccia, David G Carlisle, US 13 111
Hander, Jonathan Westford, US 7 40
Keigler, Arthur Wellesley, US 50 561
Papapanayiotou, Demetrius Westford, US 9 50

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