Controllable planar optical focusing system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9989680
APP PUB NO 20170045652A1





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An optical device has a first metasurface. A high-contrast pattern of the first metasurface is operable for modifying, over a first phase profile, a phase front of an incident light beam. A second metasurface, is disposed over a plane parallel to the first metasurface with a second high-contrast pattern and operable for shaping, over a second phase profile, the modified phase front of the incident light beam into a converging spherical phase front. A spacer layer, in which the modified phase front of the incident light beam diffracts, is disposed in a controllably changeable separation between the first and second metasurfaces. Controllably changing the separation between the first and the second metasurfaces by a first distance correspondingly changes the position of the focus point of the converging spherical phase front by a second distance.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Arbabi, Amir Pasedena, US 52 683
Faraon, Andrei La Canada Flintridge, US 72 1125

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