Solid oxide fuel cell

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9991530
APP PUB NO 20150132677A1





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A solid oxide fuel cell or a solid oxide electrolyzing cell, including a plurality of cathode-anode-electrolyte units, each CAE-unit having a first electrode for an oxidizing agent, a second electrode for a combustible gas, and a solid electrolyte between the first electrode and the second electrode and an interconnect between the CAE-units. The interconnect including oxidant inlet and outlet sides defining an oxidant flow direction of the oxidizing agent flow, a first gas distribution element. The first gas distribution element contacts the second electrode of the CAE-unit, and a second gas distribution element with oxidizing agent has channels connecting the oxidant inlet and outlet sides. The oxidizing agent channels are in contact with the first electrode of an adjacent CAE-unit, and a least one bypass channel for the oxidant flow arranged such that the bypass channel is not in contact with the first electrode.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Wuillemin, Zacharie Epesses, CH 6 17

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Dec 5, 2025
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