Sputtering apparatus and substrate processing apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9997339





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A sputtering apparatus includes a shutter unit, a plurality of target holders, and a substrate holder which can rotate about an axis perpendicular to a surface on which a substrate is held. The shutter unit includes a first shutter having first and second apertures and a second shutter having third and fourth apertures. The plurality of target holders are arranged on a first virtual circle centered on the axis, with the arrangement intervals between the plurality of target holders on the first virtual circle including at least two types of arrangement intervals.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fujimoto, Yuu Hino, JP 5 18
Imai, Shin Kawasaki, JP 4 20
Ishihara, Shigenori Tokyo, JP 19 411
Nakamura, Eiji Machida, JP 114 963
Nakazawa, Toshikazu Saitama, JP 9 47
Suda, Shintaro Kawasaki, JP 4 13
Toya, Hiroyuki Hachioji, JP 52 580
Yasumatsu, Yasushi Inagi, JP 18 81

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Dec 12, 2025
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