Flexible-substrate-based three-dimensional packaging structure and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9997493
APP PUB NO 20160293573A1





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The present invention mainly relates to a 3-D packaging structure based on a flexible substrate and a method for manufacturing the same; the method comprises: providing a bendable continuous flexible substrate, determining the shape of the substrate according to the size, the quantity and the shape of dies, and making surface wiring on the substrate to allow interlayer electrical connection; welding dies that are to be packaged onto the bendable continuous flexible substrate; filling the gaps between the dies and the substrate with an underfill; bending the substrates towards the center to allow the peripheral dies to coincide in parallel with the die situated at the center, and bonding the two layers of parallel dies with a bonding adhesive. As compared with the inventions available in the prior art, the present invention makes use of a flexible substrate as a packaging substrate, which can better satisfy the demand for high density and high levels of integration in packaging to achieve miniaturization of packaging, and realizes die packaging of good compatibility and better performance.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Guo, Xueping Beijing, CN 14 10
Lu, Yuan Beijing, CN 80 599

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