Method for metering granular material and apparatus for metering granular material

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9999174





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A method for metering granular material, such as seeds, fertilizer, or the like. By way of the method, the granular material being carried and conveyed by an airflow is directed through a feed tube into a metering unit, and guided therein along an approximately circular arc path and tangentially directed into an outlet tube, which is adjacent to the metering unit. The airflow being guided through the outlet tube and carrying and conveying the granular material, which is being conveyed in approximately equal spacing, is conveyed and/or accelerated within the metering unit by means of at least one conveyor disk or fan disk, which is electromotively driven at a regulatable rotational speed and which rotates approximately concentrically within the metering unit. The drive speed is increased or reduced based on a detected torque of the electromotive drive of the at least one rotating conveyor disk or fan disk.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Funck, Gerald Schatthausen, DE 4 61

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