Method for predicting a rotation fault in the rotor of a vacuum pump, and associated pumping device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9534609





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The invention pertains to a method for predicting a failure in the rotation of the rotor of a vacuum pump, comprising the following steps:

    sequences of events related to the change over time of the vacuum pump functional signals are recorded (101),a match is sought between at least one sequence of events and at least one pre-established association rule precursory pattern of a vacuum pump behavior model within the recorded sequences of events, said pre-established association rule's precursory patterns involving a failure in the rotor rotation (102), anda time prediction window is deduced during which a failure in the rotor rotation will occur in a vacuum pump (103).

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Becourt, Nicolas Annecy, FR 2 51
Galichet, Sylvie Seynod, FR 2 92
Martin, Florent Annecy, FR 8 40
Meger, Nicolas Gresy/Aix, FR 1 29
Pariset, Cecile Annecy, FR 1 29

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