Modular interface

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7301326





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An apparatus for interfacing a test head to a peripheral system is provided. The apparatus includes a first unit having a first connection member for providing electrical communication with the peripheral system, a second unit having a second connection member for providing electrical communication with the test system, and pivot members coupling the first unit and the second unit. The pivot members enable motion in the following sequence as one of the first and second unit moves towards the other: a) pivotal motion between the first connection member and the second connection member; and b) linear motion which decreases linear distance between the first connection member and the second connection member while maintaining respective contact surfaces of the first and second connection members in parallel.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bradford, Mark A Brentwood, CA 2 9
Dao, Davis S San Jose, CA 4 18
Green, Roy W Tabernacle, NJ 4 35
Nguyen, Trung Van San Jose, CA 10 18
Ogg, James M Milpitas, CA 2 9

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