Method of and apparatus for forming a reinforced can end

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4571978





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The invention herein relates to a method of and apparatus forming a reinforced pressure resistant can end by gripping a central panel of a metallic blank between an axially aligned reform pad and an indent ring, the reform pad being in internal concentric relationship to a draw punch and the indent ring being in internal concentric relationship to a lift ring, the draw punch being movable in a first direction to exert first forces against a peripheral edge portion of the blank in a first direction to form the peripheral edge portion out of the plane of the central panel and shape the blank into a generally flanged cup-shaped configuration defined by the central panel, a radius, a frusto-conical wall and an annular flange, and while the central panel is still gripped, second forces are exerted beyond the first forces and in a second direction opposite the first direction to form at least a part of the metal of the radius, in the absence of restraint or constraint, out of the plane of the central panel and to a side thereof opposite the flange to form an annular reinforcing countersink radius.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Roberts, David A Wokingham, GB2 243 3918
Taube, William L Murrietta, CA 6 241

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