Double acting press for sheet metal forming

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4571979





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A double acting press has a die carried by an upper slide thereby to be forced downwardly to engage a sheet metal blank between itself and a hollow blank holder, and a punch accommodated in the blank holder and thrusted upwardly by a lower slide for pressing the blank against the die. The blank to be formed must be placed horizontally on the fixed blank holder and the punch being held flush therewith in its lowermost position. In order to adjustably vary this lowermost position of the punch relative to the blank holder, a floating plate rigidly carrying the punch thereon is made to rest on a floating plate rest as the lower slide descends out of engagement with the floating plate. The floating plate rest is supported by upstanding worms in threaded engagement therewith. A bidirectional electric motor is coupled to the worms via shafting and gearing to cause joint rotation thereof in either direction and, in consequence, the upward or downward displacement of the floating plate rest. A change in the vertical position of the floating plate rest results in a change in the lowermost position of the punch with respect to the blank holder.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Baba, Kiyokazu Komatsu, JP 32 166
Ikeoka, Nao-aki Komatsu, JP 1 6

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