Optical assembly for optical transceiver and optical transceiver using same

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United States of America

PATENT NO 12001068
APP PUB NO 20220019036A1





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Embodiments of the present disclosure are directed to an optical assembly for optical transceiver which is composed of two separate sub-assemblies including an assembly that is coupled with a substrate and has a post formed to have a central hollow into a multi-branched shape, for increasing the optical alignment efficiency between the optical elements included in the optical assembly for optical transceiver which involves multiple complicated and sophisticated processes, the optical assembly for optical transceiver being structured to drain out the epoxy resin or the refractive index matching material used when coupling the optical fiber inserted from the outside with the optical elements, whereby greatly reducing optical alignment errors caused by the epoxy resin or refractive index matching material, as well as directed to an optical transceiver using the optical assembly for optical transceiver.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Cho, Hyun Ryong Suwon-si, KR 1 0
Lee, Sang-shin Seoul, KR 70 710
Lee, Young-geon Seoul, KR 2 7
Son, Yung-sung Yongin-si, KR 12 128

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