Revesible garment with warming side and cooling side

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8813525
APP PUB NO 20110088137A1





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A reversible garment with a warming side and a cooling side is comprised of a double knit fabric including a first face and a second face. The garment is reversible such that either face may be worn on the exterior of the garment. When the first side of the garment is worn against the body, the garment provides a heating effect by trapping air and body heat while wicking moisture to the outside of the fabric. When the second side of the garment is worn against the body, the garment provides a cooling garment by accelerating moisture movement across the fabric. Indicia are provided on the garment to indicate whether heating or cooling effects will be provided in the first-side-out configuration and the second-side-out configuration.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Ayers, David Baltimore, US 6 93
Cortina, Kelly Severn, US 1 9
Lindemann, Craig Baltimore, US 3 25

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