Coordinated conveyers in an automated system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11498764
APP PUB NO 20200324974A1





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Coordinated conveyors in an automated system. In an embodiment, the system comprises transport conveyor(s) and storage conveyors, wherein each storage conveyor comprises a plurality of segments configured to hold at least one item, and a portion that is aligned with a portion of a transport conveyor, such that items are moveable from the storage conveyor to the transport conveyor. Software module(s), executed by a processor, receive an instruction to collect item(s) at a single destination location, and, for each of the item(s), identify a segment on a storage conveyor on which the item is held, control that storage conveyor to align the segment with the transport conveyor, move the item from the segment onto the transport conveyor, control the transport conveyor to align the item with the destination location, and move the item from the transport conveyor to the destination location.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gorman, John G Del Mar, US 23 1488

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