Analog-to-digital conversion with sampling capacitor pre-charging

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10312929





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The embodiments described herein provide analog-to-digital converters and methods that can reduce the likelihood of excessive voltage drop during the conversion of weakly driven signals while still providing the ability to perform an accurate analog-to-digital conversion. In general, the embodiments described herein reduce the likelihood of excessive voltage drop during the conversion of weakly driven signals by pre-charging the sampling capacitor used in the conversion. For example, the embodiments can apply the buffered input signal apply to the sampling capacitor for a first sampling cycle to pre-charge the sampling capacitor, and then directly apply the unbuffered input signal to the sampling capacitor for a second sampling cycle to final-charge the sampling capacitor. With the sampling capacitor charged using the two stage charging, a digital output corresponding to the charge of the sampling capacitor is generated.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Abhishek, Kumar Austin, US 73 229
Jagannathan, Srikanth Austin, US 25 62
Yapa, Appuhamillage Don Shanaka Pradeep Austin, US 1 0

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