Systems and methods for anatomical alignment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10820835
APP PUB NO 20180070860A1





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Systems and methods for anatomical alignment are disclosed herein. In some embodiments, the systems and methods can provide accurate and continuous intraoperative validation of anatomical alignment, e.g., of the spine, hips, pelvis, and/or shoulders. An exemplary system can include a sensor and marker arrangement for measuring coronal imbalance. Another exemplary system can include a sensor and marker arrangement for shoulder or pelvic leveling. Yet another exemplary system can include a mechanical frame for establishing a simulated ground plane and projecting a plumb line from the simulated ground plane.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gupta, Saurav V Medway, US 44 503
Hall, Mark Bridgewater, US 159 3919
Lomeli, Roman Plymouth, US 61 673
Raymond, Douglas Bridgewater, US 38 3207

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