Filter arrangement and methods

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6960245
APP PUB NO 20030154863A1





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A filter arrangement includes a first filter element having opposite first and second ends; an axial length between the first and second ends; and a plurality of flutes. Each of the flutes has a first end portion adjacent to the first filter element first end, and a second end portion adjacent to the first filter element second end. Selected ones of the flutes are open at the first end potion and closed at the second end portion; and selected ones of the flutes are closed at the first end portion and open at the second end portion. A sleeve member secured to and circumscribing the first filter element. The sleeve member is oriented relative the first filter element to extend at least 30% of the axial length of the first filter element. A seal member pressure flange at least partially circumscribes the sleeve member. The filter arrangement is particularly useful for gas turbine systems. Methods for operating and servicing filter arrangements preferably utilize constructions herein.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
LeBlanc, James A Eden Prairie, MN 15 976
Tokar, Joseph C Apple Valley, MN 34 4379

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