Personalized container

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8776333
APP PUB NO 20110154626A1





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A process for making a personalized container, such as an urn for ashes, a temporary coffin, or a box for memorabilia, that includes the steps of receiving instructions specifying a personalized panel to be disposed on the container; and disposing the personalized panel, typically by digital ink-jet printing, on a web such as paper, paperboard, film, laminate, or some combination thereof, in accordance with the received instructions. Generally the web, when printed, is continuous, and moving. In subsequent unit operations, the web is separated into web portions, each web portion comprising a personalized panel, with the web portion converted into a personalized container. The personalized container may employ other cues to help evoke memories of one absent, such as a recorded voice, or scent.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Van, Den Bogart Thomas William Slinger, US 7 53

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