Two terminals quasi resonant tank circuit

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7924578
APP PUB NO 20100067276A1





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A power converter includes a transformer, a primary switch, an auxiliary switch, first and second resonance capacitors, and a secondary side rectification means. A switch mode power supply is formed to use reflected voltage and parasitic capacitance as an energy source for a transformer resonance. The auxiliary switch effectively exchanges energy between the primary inductance of the transformer and the first and second resonant capacitors. The auxiliary switch effectively switches the transformer resonance between two distinct frequencies. In one embodiment of the invention, the power converter can be, but is not limited to, a flyback converter and further includes a comparator and a driver. The comparator is for detecting the voltage across the second resonance capacitor and the driver is configured to drive the auxiliary switch based on the output state of the comparator. The resonant nature of the converter provides zero voltage (ZVS) for the primary switch as well as for the auxiliary switch.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Jansen, Arian Lake Forest, US 13 357
Sharifipour, Bahman Westborough, US 33 233
Telefus, Mark Orinda, US 82 1750

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