Content personalization based on actions performed during a current browsing session

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6853982
APP PUB NO 20020010625A1





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Various methods are disclosed for monitoring user browsing activities, and for using such information to provide session-specific item recommendations to users. In one embodiment, a monitoring component of a merchant's Web site maintains a record of products viewed by each user during a current browsing session--preferably based on visits to product detail pages. A recommendations component uses the resulting history of viewed products to identify additional products to recommend, preferably using a pre-existing table that maps products to related products. In one embodiment, this table is generated by periodically analyzing user browsing histories to identify correlations between purchases, viewing events, and/or other actions performed with respect to particular products. The recommended items may be displayed together with an option to individually deselect the recently viewed items on which the recommendations are based. Embodiments are also disclosed that use recent browse node visits, and recent searches, to generate the recommendations.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Linden, Gregory D Seattle, WA 24 6438
Smith, Brent R Redmond, WA 29 3585
Zada, Nida K Ellicott City, WA 13 2545

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