Flow battery systems

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8808888





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Embodiments of the invention generally provide for flow battery cells and systems containing a plurality of flow battery cells, and methods for improving metal plating within the flow battery cell, such as by flowing and exposing the catholyte to various types of cathodes. In one embodiment, a flow battery cell is provided which includes a cathodic half cell and an anodic half cell separated by an electrolyte membrane, wherein the cathodic half cell contains a plurality of cathodic wires extending perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to and within the catholyte pathway and in contact with the catholyte, and each of the cathodic wires extends parallel or substantially parallel to each other. In some examples, the plurality of cathodic wires may have at least two arrays of cathodic wires, each array contains at least one row of cathodic wires, and each row extends along the catholyte pathway.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hanson, Kyle M Kalispell, US 154 2420
Wilson, Gregory J Kalispell, US 143 1712

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11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Feb 19, 2026
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