Minimal download and simulated page navigation features

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8700691
APP PUB NO 20130144928A1





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Embodiments are provided that include client-server computing architectures that use minimal download features and functionality as part of page navigation operations, but are not so limited. In an embodiment, a client-server computer system uses a page transition strategy to navigate between electronic pages based in part on script, style, content, and/or other page differences that can be used as part of providing minimal download features and functionality. A method of an embodiment operates to package page incremental rendering information for use in rendering a new electronic page without having to reapply common aspects of the new electronic page and a reference electronic page. Other embodiments are also disclosed.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Crockett, Sterling John Bothell, US 7 37
Gittelman, Arye Mercer Island, US 22 269
Miller, Patrick Carl Sammamish, US 11 56
Moldovanu, Petru Mihai Redmond, US 6 36

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