Ablation targeting nerves in or near the inferior vena cava and/or abdominal aorta for treatment of hypertension

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10441355
APP PUB NO 20170065338A1





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A method for the treatment of a patient for the purpose of lowering blood pressure and/or treating other medical conditions such as cardiac arrhythmias. A catheter having an ablation element is placed inside the body of a patient and is directed to a targeted location either on in the abdominal aorta where the right or left renal arteries branch from the aorta at or near the superior junction or ostia or on the inside of the inferior vena cava near the junction with the right renal vein or in the left renal vein at a position spatially near where the left renal artery branches from the abdominal aorta. Catheters designed for use in the method where these targeted locations are also disclosed and claimed.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chan, Tina El Monte, US 5 147
Ditter, Tom A Chino Hills, US 6 156
Fuimaono, Kristine B Covina, US 54 3151
Grunewald, Debby Los Angeles, US 21 485

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