Wire harness and wire fitting

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8957311
APP PUB NO 20130146353A1





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A wire harness including a wire fitting that holds a wire in a predetermined shape is provided. A wire fitting includes a base molded to an uneven plate-shape and a cover covering a wiring space of the base. In the base, an outer frame portion formed projecting around the wiring space on a wiring portion forming a bottom plate includes an inner edge step portion, an intermediate plate portion, and an outer edge step portion. In the intermediate plate portion, which projects outward, a plurality of through holes for wire fastening are formed linearly along the perimeter of the wiring space, the number of the through holes for wire fastening being at least the number of wire fasteners attached to that portion of a wire that extends from the wiring portion to the outside thereof.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Shimada, Tatsuya Yokkaichi, JP 54 235

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