Method and apparatus for providing multi-level access control in a shared computer window

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6934737





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One embodiment of the present invention provides a shared window into which a remote user can input commands from a remote computer system subject to access control. The system operates by receiving a command from the remote user on the remote computer system, wherein the command is directed toward the local computer system in order to operate the local computer system. If the command passes a filtering process, the system executes the command to a local operating system so that the command can operate on the local computer system. The system also displays the command on the shared window on the local computer system so that a local user can view the command. The system additionally allows the command to be displayed on a remote copy of the shared window on the remote computer system, so that the remote user can view the command. In one embodiment of the present invention, if the shared window is in an approval mode, the filtering process involves allowing the local user to approve the command. If the local user approves the command, the system allows the command to pass the filtering process.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Begole, James M A Mountain View, CA 41 814
Mordecai, Nicole Y Weston, MA 14 1106
Tang, John C Palo Alto, CA 44 1769

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