System and method for feature based message routing in a dynamic modular system architecture

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8914447





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A flexible, extensible, and dynamically configurable Advanced IP Messaging Server (AIMS) facility that among other things may leverage various pools of data—including for example routing data, location and presence data, Mobile Subscriber profile data, etc.—to expeditiously process and route, through the use of among other things Feature Tags, a wide range of information including among other things conventional Short Message Service, Multimedia Message Service, IP Multimedia Subsystem, etc. messaging; E-Mail messaging; Instant Messaging communications; Voice Over IP and other (e.g., video conference, etc.) data streams; Session Initiation Protocol-addressed artifacts; etc.

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Patent Owner(s)

  • SYBASE 365, INC.

International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Griset, Steven Danville, US 2 7
Timmons, Michael San Jose, US 25 1726
White, Mark Stephen James Hampshire, GB 3 30

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