Tape drive system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8493691
APP PUB NO 20120262818A1





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A tape drive system according to one embodiment includes a support for engaging a tape; and a head directly opposing the tape engaging portion of the support, the head being for performing at least one of reading from a tape and writing to a tape. During an operation period, the head is positioned such that at least one of the following occurs: the head does not contact the tape for a majority of the operation period; the head does not contact the tape for at least a portion of the operation period; and the head engages the tape for at least a portion of the operation period when the tape is lifted from the support by a cushion of air formed between the support and the tape, the head pressing the tape into the air cushion when engaging the tape.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Biskeborn, Robert Glenn Hollister, US 115 2433
Liang, Jason Campbell, US 135 1277

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