Electrical or electronic assembly and method for producing an electrical or electronic component

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11752674





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A method is provided for the production of an electrical or electronic component having a conductor element with two contact points and a plastic structure injection-molded thereon. A strip-type metal substrate, having multiple conductor element blanks and a carrier structure, is provided. Grooved depressions are produced on all peripheral surfaces of the blanks on a texturing section with one or two laser light sources. With a single laser light source the grooved depressions are produced on at least two primary peripheral surfaces which adjoin one another and form a common edge such that a multiplicity of the grooved depressions extends without interruption continuously into the primary peripheral surfaces. A conductor element blank is separated from the carrier structure. The resulting conductor element is encapsulated with plastic by injection molding on all peripheral surfaces within a section to be encapsulated. The plastic structure thereby formed extends into the grooved depressions.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Drmota, Petric Ana Idrija, SI 3 0
Jereb, Zmago Idrija, SI 1 0
Kumar, Ludvik Logatec, SI 9 14

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Mar 12, 2027
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