Method of treating surfaces for self-sterilization and microbial growth resistance

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7405006
APP PUB NO 20050249955A1





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Coating composition, articles, and methods for applying reactive silanol coating compositions having electron deficient surfaces formed as the coating composition cures wherein organic radical groups from the silanes are forced to the surface of the coating. The silicon atoms in the interpenetrating silicon-oxygen structure below retain electrons skewing the electron cloud downward creating an electron deficient or net positively charged surface. The resultant surface exhibits self-sterilization without toxic biocide additives due to the electron deficient surface. The surface is also extremely tight and thereby absent nutrients for microorganisms, discouraging organic growth such as mold. This unique positively charged surface further exhibits both hydrophobic and oleophobic qualities providing ease of cleaning for maintenance, particularly for hospital beds, equipment, floors, walls, curtains, bathrooms, or all the surfaces inside and outside of an ambulance and the equipment contained therein. Similarly, buildings and their contents, construction materials, and infrastructure can be made self-decontaminating and greatly simplify cleaning from potential bio-warfare agents.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gedeon, Anthony Alan Palm Coast, FL 1 0
Greig, Andrew Arlington, VA 2 2

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