Measurement system and method of performing an over-the-air test

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11397205
APP PUB NO 20210148959A1





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A measurement system for testing a device under test includes a signal generation and/or analysis equipment, several antennas, several reflectors and a test location for the device under test. The antennas are connected with the signal generation and/or analysis equipment in a signal-transmitting manner Each of the antennas is configured to transmit and/or receive an electromagnetic signal so that a beam path is provided between the respective antenna and the test location. The electromagnetic signal is reflected by the respective reflector so that the electromagnetic signal corresponds to a planar wave. Each antenna and the corresponding reflector together are configured to provide a corresponding quiet zone at the test location. At least one of the quiet zones provided is larger than the at least one other quiet zone and/or at least one of the antennas is configured to operate at a different frequency compared to the at least one other antenna. Further, a method of performing an over-the-air test of a device under test is described.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Derat, Benoit Munich, DE 31 41
Markert, Daniel Munich, DE 15 42
Rowell, Corbett Munich, DE 100 564

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