Method of controlling performance boosting of semiconductor device based on at least user input and feedback from previous boosting policies and semiconductor device performing the method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11442522
APP PUB NO 20210057420A1





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There is provided a method of controlling performance boosting of a semiconductor device. According to the method, input of a user is monitored. A performance of the semiconductor device is boosted by consecutively executing a plurality of boosting policies associated with a plurality of macros based on an input event associated with the input of the user and available energy during a boosting interval. Boosting level in each of the boosting policies may be adaptively determined based on the boosting level and the amount of usage of the semiconductor device used in the previous boosting policy and the boosting policies are consecutively executed. Accordingly, improved and/or optimal performance boosting can be provided to the semiconductor device and at the same time, a waste of power can be mitigated and/or prevented.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kang, Hyunju Cheongdo-gun, KR 6 13
Kim, Jungwook Hwaseong-si, KR 20 47
Kim, Sangkyu Suwon-si, KR 86 454
Park, Jonglae Anyang-si, KR 10 0

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