Bang-bang control using tangentially mounted surfaces

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8816261





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Control surfaces secured tangentially to a round projectile, such that the lift force generated by the control surfaces is generated through the projectiles centerline. This eliminates the need for an opposing fin to counter roll moment. Sizing the control surfaces to form an equilateral triangle gives each panel equal span, and enables the force generated by two panels to be equal and opposite to that of the opposing panel. The end effect is that each panel only has two active states (neutral and positive deflection). Thus, a solenoid and a return spring may be used to control the canards. Additionally, the control panels may fold along the surface of the projectile, which frees up internal volume and minimizes the length of the control section.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Blake, Jesse H Tucson, US 3 16
Murphy, Matthew G Tucson, US 3 13

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