Managing and extending attribute values for public key cryptography standards

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6898714





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A method and system for processing PKCS-attributes and user-defined attributes in heterogeneous environment is provided. Attributes are registered with a PKCS9 gateway class, and the attributes include user-defined attributes and PKCS-standard defined attributes. Each of the registered attributes is associatively stored with an identifier. A method in the PKCS9 gateway class may be called with a parameter containing an object identifier for an attribute. An attribute mapping data structure is searched using the object identifier in the received parameter, and in response to finding a matching object identifier, a class identifier that has been associatively stored with the matching object identifier is retrieved from the attribute mapping data structure. A method in the class identified by the class identifier is then called. The called method may include an operation for construction, attribute conversion to and from DER-encoding, attribute differentiation, and attribute value extraction. A class hierarchy of attribute types is based on an abstract class for all attribute objects with a subclass for undefined attributes and a subclass for defined attributes. The subclass for defined attributes is further decomposed into a subclass for each PKCS-defined attribute and a subclass for each user-defined attribute.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Nadalin, Anthony Joseph Austin, TX 46 2318
Rich, Bruce Arland Round Rock, TX 36 2744
Shrader, Theodore Jack London Austin, TX 51 3190
Yarsa, Julianne Austin, TX 27 1342

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