Dynamically changing data access bandwidth by selectively enabling and disabling data links

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11474590
APP PUB NO 20200401208A1





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Bandwidth for information transfers between devices is dynamically changed to accommodate transitions between power modes employed in a system. The bandwidth is changed by selectively enabling and disabling individual control links and data links that carry the information. During a highest bandwidth mode for the system, all of the data and control links are enabled to provide maximum information throughout. During one or more lower bandwidth modes for the system, at least one data link and/or at least one control link is disabled to reduce the power consumption of the devices. At least one data link and at least one control link remain enabled during each low bandwidth mode. For these links, the same signaling rate is used for both bandwidth modes to reduce latency that would otherwise be caused by changing signaling rates. Also, calibration information is generated for disabled links so that these links may be quickly brought back into service.

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Ware, Frederick A Los Altos Hills, US 763 11052

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