Metering system for injecting a reducing agent into the exhaust gas flow of an internal combustion engine

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8789362
APP PUB NO 20110192151A1





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A metering system for injecting a reducing agent into the exhaust gas flow of an internal combustion engine for selective catalytic reduction, including a reducing agent tank, a metering pump, an air compressor for a compressed air supply, at least one nozzle which is in a flow connection to a pressure line of the compressed air supply and a pressure line of the metering pump and by which the reducing agent can be injected into the exhaust gas flow by means of compressed air, the air compressor being located on a mounting plate and having channels which form intake and pressure lines of the air compressor and which have connection regions at the outlets from the mounting plate and one or more pockets which are in a flow connection to the channels and which form the intake connection and/or the pressure connection of the air compressor.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Leichinger, Denis Menden, DE 2 5
Overhoff, Werner Marl, DE 10 35

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