Method, apparatus and system for embedding data within a data stream

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11521627
APP PUB NO 20210142810A1





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The invention resides in a method of placing a code, having a plurality of digits, in original data having media data including audio data, such as a music video, piece of music or music track, to produce coded data. The method determining an area of original data where a digit of the code can be placed to inhibit detection using a placement criteria. A coding strategy determines at least one of the format or location of a digit of the code in coded data. The or each digit of the code has a melodic or sympathetic relationship with a characteristic, such as an audio characteristic, of the corresponding original data in the at the location in which it is placed. Digits are added to the original data and outputting coded data. Similarly, the invention resides in a method for decoding and devices and systems for implementing said methods.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gogerly, Simon London, GB 2 1

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Jun 6, 2026
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