Image display element including electrode terminal free from contact inhibiting factor

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7960914
APP PUB NO 20100328921A1





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An image display element includes: a front panel; a back panel opposite thereto; plural pixels arranged in a matrix between the panels; and plural electrodes for controlling the pixels. The panels are bonded with the pixels and the electrodes interposed therebetween. The electrodes are connected to a driving circuit via metal film wires. The back panel is divided so as to expose electrode terminals, and a groove part V-shaped in cross section is formed at the divided portion. The metal film wires are formed on the top surface of the back panel, and the electrode terminals and the metal film wires are connected by a conductive paste coated along the tilt surfaces forming the groove part. A contact resistance reducing means is disposed at the connection part interface between the electrode terminal and the conductive paste.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Fukuda, Yoshinori Yamagata, JP 41 920
Hara, Zenichiro Tokyo, JP 32 368
Kimura, Masami Yamagata, JP 44 408
Kiridoshi, Satoru Tokyo, JP 23 52
Nagae, Suguru Tokyo, JP 26 342
Oki, Ryota Yamagata, JP 6 11
Okumura, Takanori Tokyo, JP 24 356
Saito, Yuji Yamagata, JP 213 1718
Saito, Yutaka Yamagata, JP 212 2730
Sato, Hiroyuki Yamagata, JP 469 5065
Sato, Yosuke Yamagata, JP 163 1329
Suehiro, Yoshiyuki Tokyo, JP 16 218
Sugahara, Jun Yamagata, JP 22 373
Terazaki, Nobuo Tokyo, JP 15 55
Yoshida, Takeshi Yamagata, JP 279 2250
Yuki, Toshinao Yamagata, JP 31 156

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