Low-noise oscillator amplitude regulator

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11152945
APP PUB NO 20200259494A1





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A frequency generation solution controls an oscillator amplitude using two feedback paths to generate high frequency signals with lower power consumption and lower noise. A first feedback path provides continuous control of the oscillator amplitude responsive to an amplitude detected at the oscillator output. A second feedback path provides discrete control of the amplitude regulating parameter(s) of the oscillator responsive to the detected oscillator amplitude. Because the second feedback path enables the adjustment of the amplitude regulating parameter(s), the second feedback path enables an amplifier in the first feedback path to operate at a reduced gain, and thus also at a reduced power and a reduced noise, without jeopardizing the performance of the oscillator.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Elgaard, Christian Lund, SE 28 31
Sundström, Lars Södra Sandby, SE 105 2326

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