Phase interpolator and interpolating method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11152946
APP PUB NO 20200259495A1





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A phase interpolator to receive a first and a second input clock with a first and a second input clock edge comprises an interpolating circuit unit comprising: resistors in parallel; for each resistor, a connecting switch to connect and disconnect, as operated in accordance with one of the first and the second input clocks, the resistor to and from a first supply line; and a capacitor in series with the resistors. The phase interpolator allow controlling a partial group of the connecting switches to be operated in accordance with the first input clock, and controlling the rest of the connecting switches to be operated in accordance with the second input clock; and determine the output clock of the phase interpolator on the basis of an output signal of the interpolating circuit unit, defined by the voltage over the capacitor after the second input clock edge.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Jakobsson, Anders Kista, SE 20 227

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