Image sensing apparatus and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6333963





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The invention relates to an image sensing apparatus and method which form an image by using radiation including visible light, X-rays, and the like (which is generically called light in the invention), and also relates to a -one- or two-dimensional image sensing apparatus such as a facsimile apparatus, a digital copying machine, a still camera, or a radiation image sensing apparatus, and an image sensing method. This image sensing apparatus uses a photo-electric conversion device. The image sensing apparatus has an image sensing means including a plurality of photo-electric elements arranged one- or two-dimensionally to obtain image information with a high S/N ratio by solving the problem that errors contained in the photographic output cannot be completely corrected because of the differences between the conditions set to obtain data to be used for correction and the conditions set for actual photographing operation. The image sensing apparatus includes a means for storing a photographic output in the photographic mode, a means for storing photographic conditions in the photographic mode, means for obtaining a correction output in the correction mode which is activated by using the stored photographic conditions, and a means for correcting the photographic output by using the correction output. With this arrangement, correction data is acquired under operation conditions set in accordance with operation conditions in photographing operation.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Endo, Yutaka Utsunomiya, JP 27 701
Kaifu, Noriyuki Hachioji, JP 152 2749
Kameshima, Toshio Sagamihara, JP 162 3794
Kobayashi, Isao Atsugi, JP 231 2727
Nonaka, Hideki Utsunomiya, JP 31 974
Ogura, Takashi Utsunomiya, JP 148 2273

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