Method and apparatus for accelerating generic inter-ORB protocol for a CORBA ORB

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7954108
APP PUB NO 20070130570A1





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An HDL description of a communications protocol machine for transforming object communications into low-level octet sequences for physical transport is synthesized onto a programmable logic device such as an FPGA. This communications protocol machine replaces traditional software-based inter-ORB protocol engines in distributed computing environments, including embedded environments, to provide reduced latency. The communications protocol machine is described with two distinct elements: a protocol messaging machine and an encoder/decoder. The protocol messaging machine converts an object communication into a low-level octet sequence comprising one or more inter-ORB protocol messages and converts a low-level octet sequence comprising an inter-ORB protocol message into an object communication. The encoder/decoder encodes each data type associated with the object communication into a low-level octet sequence according to a set of rules, such as CDR, and decodes a low-level octet sequence into data types associated with the object communication according to the same rules.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Aslam-Mir, Shahzad San Diego, US 2 26
Humcke, Frederick C Long Valley, US 1 6
Paniscotti, Dominick Totowa, US 18 816

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