Formation of three-dimensional organ from pluripotent stem cells

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United States of America

PATENT NO 12012616
APP PUB NO 20200362315A1





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The present invention solves the following problems [1] to [3] found in conventional methods of preparing a three dimensional structure (organ primordium) by coculturing functional cells with umbilical cord-derived vascular endothelial cells and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells: [1] the quality of resultant organ primordia varies greatly depending on donors; [2] the growth capacities of cell sources are limited; and [3] it is difficult to secure immunocompatibility because cells are derived from different sources. An organ bud prepared from vascular cells, mesenchymal cells and tissue or organ cells, wherein each of the vascular cell, the mesenchymal cell and the tissue or organ cell has been induced from pluripotent stem cells. A method of preparing an organ bud, comprising culturing vascular cells, mesenchymal cells and tissue or organ cells in vitro, wherein each of the vascular cell, the mesenchymal cell and the tissue or organ cell has been induced from pluripotent stem cells.

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International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Sekine, Keisuke Yokohama, JP 9 25
Takebe, Takanori Yokohama, JP 41 96
Taniguchi, Hideki Yokohama, JP 72 370

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